lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2014


A continuación tenéis una serie de actividades para repasar y ampliar estas vacaciones. Estas actividades son voluntarias, aunque su entrega se tendrá en cuenta en la evaluación:

1. Páginas web donde podéis estudiar y repasar gramática. Buscad hasta que encontréis la que más se adapta vuestras necesidades:

2. Realizar estas dos Unidades de repaso y ampliación:

Getting to Know You

‐Unit 1‐
Warm‐up Activity

Which of the following statements apply to you?

 I work in a busy office.
 I lead a team of people.
 I have tight deadlines.
 I work long hours.
 I really enjoy my job.
 I need to manage my time carefully.
 I need to work independently.
 I deal with clients.
 I have a monthly sales target.
 I attend lots of meetings.


Which words go in these blanks:

1 I am responsible ____ checking the inventory.
2 I liaise ____ the regional manager.
3 I report ____ Mr Greene.
4 Sarah deals ____ the urgent enquiries.
5 I need to prepare ____ tomorrow’s meeting.
6 Jack usually ____ the minutes of our meetings.
7 Frank is in charge ____ our new recruits.
8 I rely ____ my PA to schedule my appointments.
9 Ahmad takes care ____ any maintenance issues.
10 Rose comes up ____ artwork for our website.


Listen carefully as five people give brief descriptions of their work.

What does each person do?
Person 1: _________________
Person 2: _________________
Person 3: _________________
Person 4 _________________
Person 5: _________________

Second Listening:

1 Which person needs to keep up‐to‐date?
2 Which person sometimes needs to write reports?
3 Which person requires mathematical skills?
4 Which person leads a team?
5 Which person approves applications?

The Big Picture

1 Which verb tense is used throughout the job descriptions and why?
2 In the third job description, what does the word ‘fussy’ mean?
3 The last speaker said: ‘To do this job, you need to be good with numbers.”
Let’s practise this sentence structure:
To do my job, you need to be _______________________________________.
To join the army, you _____________________________________________.
To stay motivated, ________________________________________________.

Discussing your job

Discuss these questions with the others in your group:

1 Do you enjoy your job? Why or why not?
2 What is the hardest part of your job? What is the easiest part?
3 What are your working hours like?
4 Do you socialise with your coworkers?
5 How long have you had this job?
6 How did you find this job?
7 Do you work as part of a team?
8 Where do you have lunch on a working day?
9 How long is your commute?
10 Is your job stressful?
11 What particular skills do you need for your job?
12 What are your long term career plans?

Giving Opinions
‐Unit 2‐
Warm‐up Activity
Which of the following opinions do you share?

 I think fast food should be banned. It’s so bad for our health.
 I believe that we should have a four‐day work week.
 In my opinion, life was less stressful in the past than it is now.
 Giving a presentation is easy!
 Companies should block access to sites like YouTube and Facebook during working hours.
 I feel that most people these days are too self‐absorbed.
 If you ask me, every large company should have a Corporate Social Responsibility program.
 English is a very easy language to learn.


See if you can correct the common errors in the following sentences:

1 In my opinion, I think cats make better pets than dogs.
2 I’m think that we should choose the red one.
3 You should to apologise to him about it.
4 According George, UFOs really do exist.
5 I’m not think it’s a good idea to postpone the meeting.
6 I’m agree that we need to hire more staff.
7 In my opinion that an expensive sports car is a waste of money.
8 I think that give some of the profits to charity is a great idea!

Reading: I Blogged about It

Read these four blogposts and answer the questions that follow:

The Sad State of Today’s Movies

Does it ever seem to you like the latest movies are getting worse and worse? Well, it does to me. I can’t recall the last time I went to the cinema and watched a movie with a decent storyline. It’s all special effects and no plot! And not only that, but the acting is getting worse too. Today’s celebrity superstars are big on looks, but sorely lacking in talent. I’ve pretty much just given up on films ltogether; I’d rather just read a novel.

Diversity Broadens Your Horizons

I come from a small village way out in the countryside. Growing up, I never had the chance to meet people of different races or backgrounds. Well, all that changed when I went to university. I made friends from Thailand, Peru, Russia and many other places. It was really interesting to hear other points of view. After university, I joined a multinational corporation as a petroleum engineer and I travelled to the Middle East. I noticed that not everybody could adapt well to living in a foreign land, but I loved it. I really believe that exposure to foreign places and foreign ideas is great for a person’s self‐development.

Office Politics

When I started my current job, I was really looking forward to working in a dynamic environment. It didn’t take long for my illusions to be shattered! There is one group of people who ‘support’ the current manager and another group who are openly plotting to get rid of him as soon as possible. It’s a classic
case of office politics. If I become too friendly with either group, I’ll be seen as having ‘joined the team’. So I just keep my head down and do my work the best I can. But the environment in the office is incredibly tense. It’s so frustrating. Why can’t people leave the politics to the government?

Learning to Speak Up

I’ve just finished the last session of ‘Speak Up’ ‐ a series of workshops that helps you to become a more confident public speaker. I have to say that I think this workshop should be compulsory for everyone in our company. We were given training on how to project our voices, how to use positive body language and how to use rhetorical devices to deliver a confident and persuasive speech. I used to be terrified at the thought of speaking in public, but no longer. In fact, I can’t wait for a chance to give a presentation and try out my new skills.

Activity 1:

1 Identify any words or phrases you are not familiar with and find the meanings.
2 Summarise the opinion given in each blog post.
3 Do you agree with each of the opinions? Why or why not?

The Big Picture

1 The first blogger said, “I’ve pretty much just given up on films altogether”.
What are some things you have given up on?
2 “Growing up, I never had the chance to meet people of different races or backgrounds.”
Growing up, in this sentence, is a shortened version of ‘When I was growing up...’

Complete the sentence so that it is true for you:
Growing up, ____________________________________________________.
3 “When I started my current job, I was really looking forward to working in a dynamic environment. “
Complete the sentence so that it is true for you:
When I started my current job,____________________________________.
4 The fourth blogger wrote, “I used to be terrified at the thought of speaking in public, but no longer.”
The phrase used to indicates something that is no longer true.
Complete the sentence so that it is true for you:
I used to ____________, but now ________________________.

Discussing opinions

Discuss these questions:

1 What is your opinion of zero tolerance policies?
2 How useful is English? What is your opinion?
3 What is your opinion of vegetarian food?
4 Give your thoughts on hosting the Olympic Games in your city.
5 What do you think of luxury branded goods? Are they worth the money?
6 Share your thoughts on your country’s efforts in recycling.

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